• Parish Council Meetings

    Parish Council meetings are held on the third Monday of every month except August and December. They are held at the Village Sports Hall, and start at 7.30 pm.

    Members of the public and the press are welcome to attend all Parish Council meetings. During each meeting there is an adjournment of the formal business to allow members of the public to address the meeting. The Chair of the meeting can impose a time limit on the adjournment, and on the amount of time allotted to each speaker. Full information on the rules can be seen in our Standing Orders 2015 on the Policy Documents page of this website.

    Occasionally, members of the public will be asked to leave the meeting room to allow the Council to discuss certain matters in private. This normally only happens if the discussion is likely to disclose information of a sensitive nature about an individual or business.

    You can read meeting agendas in advance on this website, and draft minutes are also posted here soon after the meeting has been held.

    Morley 2021 Meetings

  • Accounts (click for more information)

    By law, the Parish Council must publish the accounts for the previous year once they have been externally audited.  For a period after the internal audit has been conducted and before the external audit is completed, members of the public can ask to see the accounts. Further details below: (more…)

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